Fitbit Compatibility

File Import Support for Fitbit Devices
Fitbit Charge 2, Surge, Blaze
Users of the Fitbit Charge 2, Surge, and Blaze can manually export TCX files from the Fitbit dashboard and import them into SportTracks.
- Log into your Fitbit dashboard at this address: - In your Activity History, locate the activity you would like to export, and click the View Details button.
- In the detail page for that activity, click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
- From the dropdown menu, select Export as a TCX file.
- The file will arrive in your browser downloads folder.
- In the upper right corner of SportTracks, click the Add workout button.
- On the next screen, click the Import button in the upper right of the screen (next to the watch button).
- Click on the Choose File button, and navigate to the location of the saved workout file. Select the file.
- Click the Import button to import the workout.
- Repeat as needed for new workouts.